column standard deviation values
column mean values
whether to scale the data to have unit standard deviation
whether to center the data before scaling
column mean values
column mean values
column standard deviation values
column standard deviation values
Applies standardization transformation on a vector.
Applies standardization transformation on a vector.
Vector to be standardized.
Standardized vector. If the std of a column is zero, it will return default 0.0
for the column with zero std.
Applies transformation on a JavaRDD[Vector].
Applies transformation on a JavaRDD[Vector].
JavaRDD[Vector] to be transformed.
transformed JavaRDD[Vector].
Applies transformation on an RDD[Vector].
Applies transformation on an RDD[Vector].
RDD[Vector] to be transformed.
transformed RDD[Vector].
whether to center the data before scaling
whether to center the data before scaling
whether to scale the data to have unit standard deviation
whether to scale the data to have unit standard deviation
Represents a StandardScaler model that can transform vectors.