=head1 NAME

PINE64::MAX7219 driver for 8-digit 7-seg MAX7219 displays


	use PINE64::MAX7219;

	my $max = PINE64::MAX7219->new(0,1,2);


	#display test (all on / all off))

	#clockwise circles

	#counter clockwise circles

	#print a sentence, 0.5sec / word
	$max->print_sentence("perl rules on pine64", 500000);

	#endless KnightRider effect!
	}#end for


This module is a driver for 8-digit seven-segment MAX7219 displays. It
is implemented as bit-banged SPI.  Using the object's methods, you can
set the intensity of the display, print words, and cascade multiple 
displays. It also comes with several built-in effects.  

Only three GPIO pins are required: SPI clk, SPI data, and SPI chip 
select.  This modules uses the PINE64::GPIO numbering scheme. 

=head1 METHODS

=head2 new($clock,$data,$chip_select)

Takes the GPIO pin numbers that will be used to inplement the bit-bang
SPI interface to the MAX7219 as arguments.  Returns an object to
control an 8-digit display.  

=head2 shift_in($leds, $digit, $n_cascaded, $delay, $latch_flag)

This method is only used internally.  It takes an array of a single
seven-segment's LEDs, the digit position, the number of cascaded
MAX7219 displays, a delay in usec (between SPI clock pulses), and a
latch flag.  Each individual letter of a word is shifted in one at
a time.  Once all the letters are shifted in, the latch_flag is set
high, and displays the word.  

=head2 load()

This method is only used internally. It manipulates the chip select
line, aka latch pin.  When called, it will render what has been
shifted into the display. 

=head2 print_sentence($sentence, $delay, $clear_flag)

Perhaps the most useful method.  Takes a string, however long, and
displays each word for $delay micro seconds.  $sentence could be the 
text of an entire book.  $clear_flag is not required.  

=head2 print_interleaved($string1, $string2)

This method is for use with two 8-digit displays cascaded.  $string1
will be displayed in the first display, $string2 in the cascaded

=head2 turn_on($num_cascaded)

Turns on the MAX7219 chip by writing to the turn on register.  Takes
the number of cascaded displays as an argument. Enter 1 if only 
using one display. 

=head2 set_scanlimit($num_cascaded)

Writes to the scan-limit register.  Sets it up to use all 8-digits
of the display.  Takes number of cascaded displays an arg. 

=head2 set_intensity($intensity); 

Adjusts the brightness of the display.  Takes a string as an arg.
Valid vlaues are: min, dim, mid, bright, max.  

=head2 all_off($num_cascaded)  

Turns off all digits.  Takes number of cascaded displays as an arg. 

=head2 disp_teston()

Turns on all segments on all digits.  

=head2 disp_testoff()

Turns off all segments on all digits. 

=head2 clockwise_circles($number_iterations)

Clockwise circles effect. 

=head2 countercq_circles($number_iterations)

Counter clockwise circles effects

=head2 bullets_lrtop($number_iterations)

Knight-rider like bullets effect.  Top row of horizontal LEDs of each
digit move from right to left. 

=head2 bullets_rltop($number_iterations)

Knight-rider like bullets effect.  Top row of horizontal LEDs of each
digit move from left to right. 

=head2 bullets_lrmid($number_iterations) 

Knight-rider like bullets effect.  Mid row of horizontal LEDs of each
digit move from left to right. 

=head2 bullets_rlmid($number_iterations) 

Knight-rider like bullets effect.  Mid row of horizontal LEDs of each
digit move from right to left. 

=head2 bullets_lrbot($number_iterations) 

Knight-rider like bullets effect.  Bottom row of horizontal LEDs of 
each digit move from left to right. 

=head2 bullets_rlbot($number_iterations) 

Knight-rider like bullets effect.  Bottom row of horizontal LEDs of 
each digit move from right to left.