rezrov - an Infocom game interpreter DESCRIPTION Rezrov is an implementation of a z-machine written in pure perl. In other words, it's a program that can play Infocom games, such as Zork. Full documentation, in POD format, can be found embedded in the file "rezrov". See for online documentation, screenshots, etc. COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 1998, 1999 Michael Edmonson <>. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. REVISION HISTORY 0.16 Sun Mar 7 20:50:43 EST 1999 - more optimizations: - gone, call stack now in - a bit more "macro"-style inlining - is now completely static; oh well, it was never truly OO anyway. - overall about 20-25% faster. Don't know if I can speed it up any more. Suggestions very welcome! - perl 5.005 is now required. - tentative support for new v8 games; "anchorhead.z8" starts, but looks like you'll need a gHz to play it :/ - new cheat command: "spiel", decode *all* game text. Can reveal easter eggs, debug messages, and all-around interesting things you may have missed; see documentation - partial support for character graphics in Tk and Curses interfaces; Beyond Zork now works much much better. [see screenshots at WWW site above] - fix a few bugs with interactions between undo/restore and some cheat commands - fix Quetzal compatibility bug 0.15 Sun Jan 24 17:41:39 EST 1999 - Optimizations: - some memory-access and variable casting functions inlined using regexp/eval hack (blech). - hand-inline opcode loading - cache object properties - overall seems to run between 15-25% faster. - packages renamed from Rezrov:: to Games::Rezrov (for CPAN) - new cheat commands: "travis": attempts to fool the game into thinking the item you specify is a weapon. Zork I only for now; slay the troll with your mighty leaflet. "tail": automatically follow a character in a game as they move from room to room 0.14 Sun Jan 10 20:35:53 EST 1999 - new cheat verb: "frotz" (only for some games). Frotz, from the spell in "Enchanter", turns any item into a light source, obviating the need for fuel/batteries. See the documentation for full details. - If you specify an item name for "teleport", it will take you to the room containing the item - now passes all "strictz.z5" object 0 torture tests - the usual little tweaks and fixes 0.13 Sun Jan 3 22:15:46 EST 1999 - fixed color support (Tk, Curses, Win32 console) - cheat commands: - new commands: "rooms" and "items" - "teleport" shows description of new room - "pilfer" attempts to move pilfered item into inventory - "omap" object dump more reliable - more etude.z5 z-machine torture tests passed - more code reorganization/thrashing 0.12 Tue Dec 1 21:16:26 EST 1998 - added Tk interface (works under both X and win32) - i/o layer reorganized - many little glitches fixed 0.11 Sat Oct 24 20:27:08 EDT 1998 - about 10-15% faster: - cache game objects - streamline handling of decoded text - convert to blessed arrays instead of hashes - A few more critical globals :( - slightly improved v5 compatibility - emulation of the "#reco", "#unre" and "#comm" command-transcript commands 0.10 Sun Oct 18 20:07:19 EDT 1998 - first public release PREREQUISITES Rezrov is written in pure perl, no extension compilation is required. Perl version 5.005 or later is required. Optionally supported but not required: Tk (version 800.*) Curses Term::Cap Win32::Console Term::ReadLine HOW TO BUILD AND INSTALL perl Makefile.PL make make test make install After installation, run rezrov on a z-code file, such as the provided minizork.z3: "rezrov minizork.z3". MANUAL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS If you are using a binary distribution of perl the "generic" instructions above will most likely fail. The following are instructions on how to install rezrov by hand. Rezrov consists of two basic pieces: a set of packages (*.pm files), and a script called "rezrov". The *.pm files need to be installed in a subdirectory called "Games/Rezrov" somewhere in Perl's module search path (@INC). "rezrov" is the main wrapper program that requires these modules to run; it can go anywhere you like. For example, on a Windows 95/98/etc machine, using the ActiveState distribution of perl 5.005 installed in C:\PERL, you would need to: 1. mkdir C:\perl\lib\site\Games 2. mkdir C:\perl\lib\site\Games\Rezrov 3. copy *.pm c:\perl\lib\site\Games\Rezrov 4. perl rezrov minizork.z3