
    This module transparently integrates "CGI::Builder" and "Template" in a
    very handy, powerful and flexible framework that can save you a lot of
    coding, time and resources.

    With this module, you don't need to produce the "page_content" within
    your page handlers anymore (unless you want to); you don't even need to
    manage a template system yourself (unless you want to).

    If you use a template system on your own (i.e. not integrated in a CBF
    extension), you will have to write all this code explicitly:

    *   create a page handler for each page as usual

    *   create a new template object and assign a new template file

    *   find the runtime values and assign them to the template object

    *   run the template process and set the "page_content" to the produced

    You can save all that by just including this module in your build,
    because it implements an internal transparent and automatic template
    system that even without your explicit intervention is capable of
    finding the correct template and the correct runtime values to fill it,
    and generates the page_content auto-magically. With this module you can
    even eliminate the page handlers that are just setting the page_content,
    because the page is automatically sent by the template system.

            CGI::Builder    >= 1.2
            Template        >= 1.12

            perl -MCPAN -e 'install CGI::Builder::TT2'

    Standard installation
        From the directory where this file is located, type:

            perl Makefile.PL
            make test
            make install

    NOTE: The installation of this module runs an automatic version
    check connection which will warn you in case a newer version is
    available.  Besides, since CPAN does not provide any download
    statistic to the authors, this check allows Domizio Demichelis
    (CGI::Builder::* owner) also to keep an installation counter.
    Version checking is transparent to regular users, while CPAN testers
    should skip it by running the Makefile.PL with NO_VERSION_CHECK=1.

        # just include it in your build
        use CGI::Builder
        qw| CGI::Builder::TT2

    Stefano Rodighiero, <> (<>)

    Vince Veselosky (<>) - Contributed with many
    ideas, comments and clever solutions to daunting problems. And the
    extended example, too.

    (c) 2004 by Stefano Rodighiero <>

    All Rights Reserved. This module is free software. It may be used,
    redistributed and/or modified under the same terms as perl itself.