# NAME Console::ProgressBar - A simple progress bar for Perl console applications # SYNOPSIS use Console::ProgressBar; # DESCRIPTION Console::ProgressBar is a simple progress bar for Perl console applications. use Console::ProgressBar; # create a progress bar for a task with 20 steps my $p = Console::ProgressBar->new('Writing files',20); # for each step done, the progress bar index is incremented # and the progress bar is displayed at the current cursor position for(my $i=1; $i <= 20; $i++) { $p->next()->render(); } The progress bar displays a title that describe the task and the percentage of completion. Writing Files [########## ] 50% ## How to install ? If you want install `Console::ProgressBar` directly from the git repository, please use the following command : cpanm https://codeberg.org/auverlot/Console-ProgressBar.git ## How to control the progress bar state ? ### next() The next() method indicates that a step is done. ### back() The back() method indicates that the last step must be canceled. The internal index of the progress bar is decremented. ### reset() The reset() method sets the internal index to 0. For the progress bar, none step has be done. The percentage of completion is 0%. ### setIndex($aValue) The setIndex() method set the internal index to the specified value (between 0 and the number of steps). ## How to customize the progress bar ? ### setTitle($aTitle) The setTitle() method changes the title of the progress bar. You can easily displaying a contextual information about the step in progress. ### Change the appearance The builder has an optional parameter. It's a hash to change the default values of : - the string that contains the title (`titleMaxSize`), - the number of characters used to represent the progression (`length`) - the caracter used to fill the progress bar (`segment`). titleMaxSize length <------------------> <------------------> Writing Files [########## ] 50% ^ segment The following example creates a custom progress bar : use Console::ProgressBar; my $p = Console::ProgressBar->new('Writing files',20, { titleMaxSize => 40, length => 40, segment => '=' }); # LICENSE Copyright (C) Auverlot Olivier. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR Auverlot Olivier <oauverlot@cpan.org>