You have downloaded the wiimote perl module.  I have made a perl interface to Joel Andersson's C library  ( ) .  Included in this download is a snapshot of his library and the perl interface I wrote.

First read Joel's README.  Follow his instructions and get his libcwiimote working.  Be sure to make sure his test applications work.  Then copy files ./lib/ and ./lib/libcwiimote.a into /usr/local/lib (or wherever you store you libraries) and run ldconfig.  He doesn't have a make install as part of his package so you have to install those two libraries by hand.

Next go into the perlmodules directory.  Just run
perl Makefile.PL
make install

To test, open up  You will need to change line:
print "Connect " . Wiimote::wiimote_connect('00:19:1D:75:CC:30');

Just put in the id of your wiimote.  The run ./ and with luck it will work.

This is a very rough module.  It is very quick and dirty, but lets perl have access to most functions of the wiimote.

chad phillips