$Id: README 284 2019-05-18 08:18:32Z minus $ .___ ___. .______ .___ ___. __ .__ __. __ __ ____. | \/ | | _ \ | \/ | | | | \ | | | | | | / | | \ / | | |_) | | \ / | | | | \| | | | | | | (-` | |\/| | | ___/ | |\/| | | | | . ` | | | | | \ \ | | | | | | | | | | | | | |\ | | `-' | .-) | |__| |__| | _| |__| |__| |__| |__| \__| \_____/ |____/ NAME MPMinus::Manual - What is MPMinus, and how do I use it TERMS Apache Apache web server version 2+. This web server is the only server supporting MPMinus. MPMinus developed on the basis of the mod_perl2 model, as an Apache module. m It is general MPMinus object that provides most methods for access to MPMinus functionality mod_perl mod_perl brings together the full power of the Perl programming language and the Apache HTTP server. You can use Perl to manage Apache, respond to requests for web pages and much more. See http://perl.apache.org/ MPM Acronym (ModPerl2 Minus), base namespace of all installed MPMinus projects. DESCRIPTION MPMinus - mod_perl2 Web Application Framework This framework will help You create mod_perl2 sites and REST API services HOW TO START? INSTALL cpan install MPMinus or cpanm MPMinus CREATING A NEW PROJECT mpminus create Foo -d foo.localhost Creates Foo project in ./foo.localhost For about switches: mpminus -H INSTALL PROJECT cd ./foo.localhost perl Makefile.PL make make test make install make clean Copy configuration file from ./src directory to Apache directory and restart it! You can distributin your new created project using dist command: make dist Done! Your tar.gz file is already here! MPM-Foo-1.00.tar.gz TESTING lynx foo.localhost Profit! CONFIGURATION Configuration parameters are initialized in the MPM::MyApp::Handlers package, that cals via Apache web server config file. sub handler { my $r = shift; my $m = MPMinus->m; $m->conf_init($r, __PACKAGE__); ... my $project = $m->conf('project'); ... } For accessing to configuration variables you can use getter methods conf or get_conf also setter method - set_conf. See MPMinus::Configuration APACHE PER-DIRECTORY VARIABLES Apache per-directory variables is variables that specified by the PerlSetVar and PerlAddVar directives in Apache config files, eg: PerlSetVar ModperlRoot /var/www/foo.localhost For more information about per-directory variables see http://perl.apache.org/docs/2.0/api/Apache2/RequestUtil.html For MPMinus projects allowed following directives: confdir PerlSetVar confdir /var/www/foo.localhost my $confdir = $m->conf("confdir"); This directive sets directory (path) for searching configuration files of current project Default: <DOCUMENT_ROOT>/conf config, configfiles PerlSetVar config /var/www/foo.localhost/foo.conf my $config_file = $m->conf("fileconf"); my $config_file = $m->conf("configfiles")->[0]; In configuration file specifies configuration file. In handlers the getter method $m->conf("configfiles") returns array of loaded configuration files; the method $m->conf("fileconf") returns main loaded file Default: <DOCUMENT_ROOT>/lc(<PROJCET_NAME>).conf debug PerlSetVar debug on $m->log_eror("Oops!") if $m->conf("debug"); Debug flag. The argument can be: on/off; enable/disable; yes/no; true/false and 1/0 The $m->conf("debug") returns boolean value: 1 -- on, 0 -- off Default: off modperlroot PerlSetVar modperlroot /var/www/foo.localhost my $root = $m->conf("modperlroot"); Sets alternate of DOCUMENT_ROOT. Optional directive Default eq <DOCUMENT_ROOT> READ-ONLY MPMINUS PARAMETERS Parameters that You can read only GENERAL PARAMETERS configloadstatus print "Configuration has been loaded!" if $m->conf("configloadstatus"); Return boolean status of loading configuration files Default: 0 hitime print $m->conf("hitime"); # 1556209483.07221 Returns inited High-precision time value in seconds with 5-dig precision locked_keys my $array = $m->conf("locked_keys"); Returns reference to list of locked directives (for read only) Default: [confdir, configloadstatus, debug, document_root, fileconf, hitime, http_host, https, locked_keys,logdir, modperl_root, package, prefix, project, remote_addr, remote_user, request_method, request_uri, server_admin, server_name, server_port, sid, url] logdir my $dir = $m->conf("logdir"); Returns system log-directory Default: /var/log package my $vals = $m->conf("package"); # [MPM::Foo::Handlers, 0] my $package = $vals->[0]; my $count = $vals->[1]; Returns reference to list. First value is package of initializer; second value is counter, number of request on child process PROJECT PARAMETERS Parameters describing the current project document_root, modperl_root my $vals = $m->conf("document_root"); # /var/www/foo.localhost Returns DOCUMENT_ROOT directory prefix my $prefix = $m->conf("prefix"); # foo Returns the project name in lowercase project my $name = $m->conf("project"); # Foo Returns the project name server_admin my $server_admin = $m->conf("server_admin"); # root@localhost Returns SERVER_ADMIN server_name my $server_name = $m->conf("server_name"); # foo.localhost Returns SERVER_NAME server_port my $server_port = $m->conf("server_port"); # 80 Returns SERVER_PORT Default: 80 url my $url = $m->conf("url"); # http://foo.localhost Returns URL of this server REQUEST PARAMETERS Parameters set for each HTTP request http_host my $http_host = $m->conf("http_host"); # foo.localhost Returns hostname from the "Host" header of request https print "Is HTTPS!" if $m->conf("https"); Returns HTTPS flag if current request was make via HTTPS protocol Default: 0 remote_addr my $remote_addr = $m->conf("remote_addr"); # Returns current IP (IPv4 or IPv6) address of client Default: remote_user my $remote_user = $m->conf("remote_user"); Returns current username from request header request_method my $request_method = $m->conf("request_method"); Returns HTTP current request method Default: GET request_uri my $path_string = $m->conf("request_uri"); Returns path-string of current HTTP request Default: / Example: /mpminfo sid my $sid = $m->conf("sid"); # 802a28bffa20f4dc Returns SessionID, 16 hex random characters, session signature DEPRECATED PARAMETERS Following list contains deprecated and actually not existing parameters and directives. Flags _debug_, _errorsendmail_, _sendmail_, _syslog_ Files and directories file_connect, file_debug, file_error, file_mail, file_mpminfo, dir_cache, dir_conf, dir_db, dir_logs, dir_shtml Misc errorlog, debuglog, url_shtml, urls, urls_shtml All listed parameters now are prohibited to use. USER DEFINED MPMINUS PARAMETERS All .conf files of current project contains only user directives. The value of each directive of configuration files can be read or modified using getters and setters MULTISTORE CONFIGURATION The following construction is used to configure the Multistore mechanism: <store foo> dsn DBI:mysql:database=TEST;host= user login pass password <Attr> mysql_enable_utf8 1 RaiseError 0 PrintError 0 </Attr> </store> <store bar> dsn DBI:Oracle:FOOSID user login pass password <Attr> RaiseError 0 PrintError 0 </Attr> </store> <store baz> dsn DBI:Oracle:BARSID user login pass password <Attr> RaiseError 0 PrintError 0 </Attr> </store> The accessor methods detailed described in "EXAMPLE" in MPMinus::Store::MultiStore example API A classic example of a site created with MPMinus contains 5 mandatory files: MPM/MyApp.pm MPM/MyApp/Handlers.pm MPM/MyApp/Index.pm MPM/MyApp/Info.pm MPM/MyApp/Root.pm For example see eg/MPM/MyApp.pm file(s) MyApp.pm Your POD documentation file. Contains also the projects version and any meta-info of Your project. Usually does not contain any program code. Handlers.pm The first and very important file of Your project! The file contains handler-definition for mod_perl2 See eg/MPM/MyApp/Handlers.pm file for example Index.pm The file contains list of enabled (plugged) modules of Your project. By default enabled Root and Info modules only. For examle: use base qw/ MPM::MyApp::Root MPM::MyApp::Info /; You can extends this list yours modules Info.pm Main information file. Contains usually code: sub record { ( -uri => '/mpminfo', -response => sub { shift->mpminfo }, ) } Root.pm File of root controller ("/" string as path of URL) See eg/MPM/MyApp/Root.pm file for example MAIN METHODS All main methods detailed described in MPMinus MVC SKEL TRANSACTION METHODS The "MVC SKEL TRANSACTION" or "MST" -- is an ideological concept! All methods of the MST detailed described in MPMinus::Transaction LOG METHODS All log methods detailed described in MPMinus::Log APACHE HANDLERS All available Apache handlers detailed described in mod_perl man pages http://perl.apache.org/ The MPMinus by default only works with some of the basic HTTP handlers: PerlInitHandler PerlAccessHandler PerlAuthenHandler PerlAuthzHandler PerlTypeHandler PerlFixupHandler PerlResponseHandler PerlLogHandler PerlCleanupHandler NOTE! MPMinus use modperl handler type only! See http://perl.apache.org/docs/2.0/user/config/config.html SetHandler modperl PerlOptions +GlobalRequest ...or in Handlers.pm (handler): $r->handler('modperl') See also MPMinus::BaseHandlers and http://perl.apache.org/docs/2.0/user/handlers/http.html FILTERS Filters are supported but not used in the MPMinus base configuration. See http://perl.apache.org/docs/2.0/user/handlers/filters.html sub handler { ... $r->add_output_filter(\&OutputFilterHandler); $r->add_input_filter(\&InputFilterHandler); ... } See also "FILTERS" in MPMinus::BaseHandlers DISPATCHING The MPMinus provides URL-to-Action dispatching using the "MVC SKEL Transaction" pattern Supported dispatching types: Location, Regexp, LocArr и MixArr. Location Simple base dispatching by request URI (path based) In Apache config file: <Location ~ ^/$> PerlInitHandler MPM::MyApp::Handlers </Location> In MPM::MyApp::Root: sub record { ( -uri => '/', ... ) } Fast and pretty! Regexp Regexp dispatching In Apache config file: <Location ~ ^\/[a-zA-Z0-9]{16}\/?$> PerlInitHandler MPM::MyApp::Handlers </Location> In MPM::MyApp::Root: sub record { ( -uri => ['REGEXP', 'root', qr/^\/[a-zA-Z0-9]{16}\/?$/], ... ) } LocArr Multiple path matching In Apache config file: <Location ~ \.[mM][pP][mM]$> PerlInitHandler MPM::MyApp::Handlers </Location> <Location ~ ^/$> PerlInitHandler MPM::MyApp::Handlers </Location> In MPM::MyApp::Root: sub record { ( -uri => ['LOCARR', 'root', ['/','/root.mpm','/index.mpm']], ... ) } MixArr Mixed dispatching In Apache config file: <Location ~ \.[mM][pP][mM]$> PerlInitHandler MPM::MyApp::Handlers </Location> <Location ~ ^/$> PerlInitHandler MPM::MyApp::Handlers </Location> In MPM::MyApp::Root: sub record { ( -uri => ['MIXARR', 'root', ['/', qr/^\/(root|index)\.mpm$/]], ... ) } MVC TERMS Model See MPMinus::Store::MultiStore, MPMinus::Store::MySQL, MPMinus::Store::Oracle, MPMinus::Store::DBI View See Template::Toolkit, Mason, HTML::Template, TemplateM and etc. Controller All Your MPM::MyApp::XXX classes! MVC SKEL TRANSACTION The MVC SKEL Transaction is a pattern, concept of application development sub record {( ... # Обработчики -init => \&hInit, -fixup => \&hFixup, -response => \&hResponse, -cleanup => \&hCleanup, -meta => { registration => { handler => { chck => \®istration_chck, form => [\®istration_form, \&default_form,], proc => \®istration_proc, access => sub { 1 }, deny => sub { 1 }, }, content_type => 'text/html; charset=UTF-8', foo => 'qwe', bar => 'rty', baz => 123, ... }, )} The "registration" is a name from action QUERY_STRING param, e.g: ?action=registration The "handler" contains MVC SKEL hooks definitions: chck, form, proc, access, deny running phases of the hooks: Phase Type --------+------ access | DUAL deny | HTTP chck | BOOL proc | HTTP form | HTTP BOOL In array context only! Each defined handler in array is executed until the value "0" (false) or Apache2::Const::OK returns HTTP In array context only! Each defined handler in array is executed until an HTTP status value greater than or equal to 300 (REDIRECTIONS AND ERRORS) is returned DUAL Compilable with the pair of conditions BOOL and HTTP types The "MVC SKEL Transaction" behavior scheme: +-------+ 04/26/13 | Start | +-------+ | ++---------++ || caccess || ++---------++ | status is true? /\ _____yes______/ \____no__ | \ / | status < 300? \/ | /\ ++-------++ ___yes__/ \____no___ || cdeny || | \ / | ++-------++ event ~ go? \/ |______________| /\ | _no__/ \__yes__ | | \ / | | | \/ ++--------++ | | || ccheck || | | ++--------++ | | | | | status is true? | | /\ | | __no__/ \___yes_ | | | \ / | | | | \/ ++-------++ | | | || mproc || | | | ++-------++ | |________|_________________| | | | status < 300? | /\ | __yes__/ \____no__| | \ / | ++-------++ \/ | || vform || | ++-------++ | | | |___________________| | +--------+ | Finish | +--------+ EXAMPLES See eg on CPAN web-sites, e.g, https://metacpan.org/release/MPMinus Or content of a directory in distrib-tarball file APACHE CONSTANTS List of constants specific to Apache features see also http://perl.apache.org/docs/2.0/api/Apache2/Const.html COMMON CONSTANTS -2 Apache2::Const::DONE -1 Apache2::Const::DECLINED 0 Apache2::Const::OK 302 Apache2::Const::REDIRECT 401 Apache2::Const::AUTH_REQUIRED 403 Apache2::Const::FORBIDDEN 404 Apache2::Const::NOT_FOUND 500 Apache2::Const::SERVER_ERROR HTTP 1.1 STATUS CODES ORDERED BY NAMES 202 Apache2::Const::HTTP_ACCEPTED 502 Apache2::Const::HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY 400 Apache2::Const::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST 409 Apache2::Const::HTTP_CONFLICT 100 Apache2::Const::HTTP_CONTINUE 201 Apache2::Const::HTTP_CREATED 417 Apache2::Const::HTTP_EXPECTATION_FAILED Apache2::Const::HTTP_FAILED_DEPENDENCY 403 Apache2::Const::HTTP_FORBIDDEN 504 Apache2::Const::HTTP_GATEWAY_TIME_OUT 410 Apache2::Const::HTTP_GONE Apache2::Const::HTTP_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE 500 Apache2::Const::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR 411 Apache2::Const::HTTP_LENGTH_REQUIRED Apache2::Const::HTTP_LOCKED 405 Apache2::Const::HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED 301 Apache2::Const::HTTP_MOVED_PERMANENTLY 302 Apache2::Const::HTTP_MOVED_TEMPORARILY 300 Apache2::Const::HTTP_MULTIPLE_CHOICES Apache2::Const::HTTP_MULTI_STATUS 203 Apache2::Const::HTTP_NON_AUTHORITATIVE 406 Apache2::Const::HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE Apache2::Const::HTTP_NOT_EXTENDED 404 Apache2::Const::HTTP_NOT_FOUND 501 Apache2::Const::HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED 304 Apache2::Const::HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED 204 Apache2::Const::HTTP_NO_CONTENT 200 Apache2::Const::HTTP_OK 206 Apache2::Const::HTTP_PARTIAL_CONTENT 402 Apache2::Const::HTTP_PAYMENT_REQUIRED 412 Apache2::Const::HTTP_PRECONDITION_FAILED Apache2::Const::HTTP_PROCESSING 407 Apache2::Const::HTTP_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED 416 Apache2::Const::HTTP_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE 413 Apache2::Const::HTTP_REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE 408 Apache2::Const::HTTP_REQUEST_TIME_OUT 414 Apache2::Const::HTTP_REQUEST_URI_TOO_LARGE 205 Apache2::Const::HTTP_RESET_CONTENT 303 Apache2::Const::HTTP_SEE_OTHER 503 Apache2::Const::HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE 101 Apache2::Const::HTTP_SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS 307 Apache2::Const::HTTP_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT 401 Apache2::Const::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED Apache2::Const::HTTP_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY 415 Apache2::Const::HTTP_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE Apache2::Const::HTTP_UPGRADE_REQUIRED 305 Apache2::Const::HTTP_USE_PROXY Apache2::Const::HTTP_VARIANT_ALSO_VARIES HTTP 1.1 STATUS CODES Informational 1xx: 100 HTTP_CONTINUE Continue 101 HTTP_SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS Switching Protocols Successful 2xx: 200 HTTP_OK OK 201 HTTP_CREATED Created 202 HTTP_ACCEPTED Accepted 203 HTTP_NON_AUTHORITATIVE Non-Authoritative Information 204 HTTP_NO_CONTENT No Content 205 HTTP_RESET_CONTENT Reset Content 206 HTTP_PARTIAL_CONTENT Partial Content Redirection 3xx: 300 HTTP_MULTIPLE_CHOICES Multiple Choices 301 HTTP_MOVED_PERMANENTLY Moved Permanently 302 HTTP_MOVED_TEMPORARILY Found 303 HTTP_SEE_OTHER See Other 304 HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED Not Modified 305 HTTP_USE_PROXY Use Proxy 306 (Unused) 307 HTTP_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT Temporary Redirect Client Error 4xx: 400 HTTP_BAD_REQUEST Bad Request 401 HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED Unauthorized 402 HTTP_PAYMENT_REQUIRED Payment Required 403 HTTP_FORBIDDEN Forbidden 404 HTTP_NOT_FOUND Not Found 405 HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED Method Not Allowed 406 HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE Not Acceptable 407 HTTP_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED Proxy Authentication Required 408 HTTP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT Request Timeout 409 HTTP_CONFLICT Conflict 410 HTTP_GONE Gone 411 HTTP_LENGTH REQUIRED Length Required 412 HTTP_PRECONDITION_FAILED Precondition Failed 413 HTTP_REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE Request Entity Too Large 414 HTTP_REQUEST_URI_TOO_LARGE Request-URI Too Long 415 HTTP_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE Unsupported Media Type 416 HTTP_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE Requested Range Not Satisfiable 417 HTTP_EXPECTATION_FAILED Expectation Failed Server Error 5xx: 500 HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR Internal Server Error 501 HTTP_NOT IMPLEMENTED Not Implemented 502 HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY Bad Gateway 503 HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE Service Unavailable 504 HTTP_GATEWAY_TIME_OUT Gateway Timeout 505 HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED HTTP Version Not Supported THANKS Thanks to Dmitry Klimov for technical translating http://fla-master.com. AUTHOR Serż Minus (Sergey Lepenkov) http://www.serzik.com <abalama@cpan.org> COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 1998-2019 D&D Corporation. All Rights Reserved LICENSE This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See LICENSE file and https://dev.perl.org/licenses/