

CGI::Widget::Tabs lets you simulate tab widgets in HTML. You
could benefit from a tab widget if you want to serve only one
page. Depending on the tab selected you fetch and display the
underlying data. There are two main reasons for taking this

1. For the end user not to be directed to YAL or YAP (yet another
link / yet another page), but keep it all together: The single
point of entry paradigm.

2. As a consequence the end user deals with a more consistent and
integrated GUI. This will give a better "situational awareness"
within the application.

3. For the Perl hacker to handle multiple related data sources
within the same script environment.

As an example the following tabs could be used on a web page for
someone's spotting hobby:

      __________      __________      __________
     /  Planes  \    /  Trains  \    / Classics \
        /  Bikes  \

As you can see, the headings wrap at three and a small
indentation is added to the start of the next row. The nice thing
about CGI::Widget::Tabs is that the tabs know their internal
state. So you can ask a tab for instance which heading has been
clicked by the user. This way you get instant feedback.


The documentation is included in the module. You can read it's
manpage after installation with `perldoc CGI::Widget::Tabs'. If
you prefer you can read the documentation before installation
with `perldoc ./'


- CGI, CGI::Minimal or another CGI "object broker"
  with the param() method and with similar behaviour
- HTML::Entities
- A CSS style sheet for the tabs markup


To install this module type the following:

perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install


You can download CGI::Widget::Tabs from CPAN at The latest version is always available from
the CGI::Widget::Tabs homepage at:


Copyright (c) 2003 Koos Pol. All rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


These changes are against the previous version.  For a complete
history log, see the file 'CHANGES' in the distribution.

1.06 (2003-01-16)
    - Minor interface change as promised in the 1.05 release:
      $h->raw_text(STRING) has been superseded by
      $h->raw(BOOLEAN). For a background of the reason, see the
      BUGS section in the documentation of the 1.05 release. For
      the current workings, see the documentation in this release
      for the methods $h->text() and $h->raw().

    - Dropped the "use warnings" to support Perl <= 5.005.
      But CGI::Widget::Tabs pretends to be warning free all

$Id: README,v 1.17 2003/01/16 21:25:35 koos Exp $