# NAME Search::Fulltext - Fulltext search module # SYNOPSIS use Search::Fulltext; my @docs = ( 'I like beer the best', 'Wine makes people saticefied', # does not include beer 'Beer makes people happy', ); my $fts = Search::Fulltext->new({ docs => \@docs, }); my $results = $fts->search('beer'); is_deeply($results, [0, 2]); # 1st & 3rd doc include 'beer' my $results = $fts->search('beer AND happy'); is_deeply($results, [2]); # 3rd doc includes both 'beer' & 'happy' # DESCRIPTION [Search::Fulltext](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Search::Fulltext) is a fulltext search module. It can be used in a few steps. [Search::Fulltext](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Search::Fulltext) has __pluggable tokenizer__ feature, which possibly provides fulltext search for any language. Currently, __English__ and __Japanese__ fulltext search are officially supported, although any other languages which have spaces for separating words could be also used. See [CUSTOM TOKENIZERS](#CUSTOM\_TOKENIZERS) section to learn how to search non-English languages. __SQLite__'s __FTS4__ is used as an indexer. Various queries supported by FTS4 (`AND`, `OR`, `NEAR`, ...) are fully provided. See ["QUERIES"](#QUERIES) section for details. # METHODS ## Search::Fulltext->new Creates fulltext index for documents. - `@param docs` __\[required\]__ Reference to array whose contents are document to be searched. - `@param index_file` __\[optional\]__ File path to write fulltext index. By default, on-memory index is used. - `@param tokenizer` __\[optional\]__ Tokenizer name to use. `simple` (default) and `porter` must be supported. `icu` and `unicode61` could be used if your SQLite libarary used via [DBD::SQLite](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?DBD::SQLite) module support them. See [http://www.sqlite.org/fts3.html\#tokenizer](http://www.sqlite.org/fts3.html\#tokenizer) for more details on FTS4 tokenizers. Japanese tokenizer `perl 'Search::Fulltext::Tokenizer::MeCab::tokenizer'` is also available after you install [Search::Fulltext::Tokenizer::MeCab](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Search::Fulltext::Tokenizer::MeCab) module. See [CUSTOM TOKENIZERS](#CUSTOM\_TOKENIZERS) section for developing other tokenizers. ## Search::Fulltext->search Search terms in documents by query language. - `@returns` Array of indexes of `docs` passed through `Search::Fulltext->new` in which `query` is matched. - `@param query` Query to search from documents. See ["QUERIES"](#QUERIES) section for types of queries. # QUERIES The simplest query would be a term. my $results = $fts->search('beer'); Other queries below and combination of them can be also used. my $results = $fts->search('beer AND happy'); my $results = $fts->search('saticefied OR happy'); my $results = $fts->search('people NOT beer'); my $results = $fts->search('make*'); my $results = $fts->search('"makes people"'); my $results = $fts->search('beer NEAR happy'); my $results = $fts->search('beer NEAR/1 happy'); See [http://www.sqlite.org/fts3.html\#section\_3](http://www.sqlite.org/fts3.html\#section\_3) for an explanation of each type of query. __NOTE:__ Some custom tokenizers might not support full of these queries above. Check the document of each tokenizer before using complex queries. # CUSTOM TOKENIZERS Custom tokenizers can be implemented by pure perl thanks to ["Perl\_tokenizers" in DBD::SQLite](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?DBD::SQLite#Perl\_tokenizers). [Search::Fulltext::Tokenizer::MeCab](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Search::Fulltext::Tokenizer::MeCab) is an example of custom tokenizers. See ["Perl\_tokenizers" in DBD::SQLite](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?DBD::SQLite#Perl\_tokenizers) and [Search::Fulltext::Tokenizer::MeCab](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Search::Fulltext::Tokenizer::MeCab) module to learn how to develop custom tokenizers. # SUPPORTS Bug reports and pull requests are welcome at [https://github.com/laysakura/Search-Fulltext](https://github.com/laysakura/Search-Fulltext) ! # VERSION Version 1.02 # AUTHOR Sho Nakatani <lay.sakura@gmail.com>, a.k.a. @laysakura