CPANPLUS::Shell::Curses - A Curses based shell for CPANPLUS

    CPANPLUS::Shell::Curses is a graphical user interface to the newly
    developed CPANPLUS package

    Usually all operations will be performed on the currently selected
    and/or marked Module. Searching is done as incremental search, so first
    author then module gives you other results than first module than
    author. Reset searching/display with j.

    *For installing and updating the Shell leaves Curses mode. At the moment
    this is considered a feature, in order to answer module's questions
    about configuration.*

    h detailed help

    q exit

    v version information

    a search by author(s)

    A search modules by the author of the currently active module

    m search by module(s)

    M search modules in the same top level Namespace as the currently active
    one (i.e. if CPAN is active it will show you only modules CPAN::*)

    N search modules in the same top and second level namespace as the
    currently active one (i.e. AI::Categorizer is active it will show you
    only the ones under AI::Categorizer)

    o update check

    j display all modules

    k diplay installed modules

    w show search cache

  List window functions
    / does a search in the list window as well in the readme and help

    ? does it the other way around

    ^C-A go to the beginning (also with HOME)

    ^C-E go to end of list (also with END)

    PGDOWN one page down

    PGUP one page up

    i install selected module(s)

    u uninstall selected module(s)

    d download selected module(s)

    r display readme of active module

    c display test results for active module

    y show perldoc of currently selected installed module

    b write an autobundle of all your currently installed modules

    z open command prompt

    R reload installed selection

  Local Administration
    ! eval a Perl expression

    % execute a shell expression

    g redraw screen

    e add directories to your @INC

    s set configuration options for this session

    p print error stack

    r reload CPAN indices

    D show currently installed modules dependencies

    S show some statistical information

  Step by Step
    For easy stepping through the installation steps, shortcuts are

    1 fetch modules

    2 extract modules (not implemented yet)

    3 make all

    4 make test

    5 make install

    To enter the configuration window, type 's'. All values which are either
    yes or no are shown with a Y or N value. To change this value just enter
    what you want it to be. ;-) Some special input is required for the
    options Makeflags, Makemakerflage and lib. The syntax for Makeflags and
    Makemakerflags is "key=value", multiple keys can be seperated by ":" The
    syntax for Lib is a ":" seperated list of lib directories.

    Updating isn't that nice as it could be.
    Testing it on other platforms

    * 1.06 does not compile with Perl 5.8.0, a new release that
        fixes those bugs is expected soon

    *   It is too slow :-)

    *   Documentation needed

    *   As it is a development version based on a development version of
        CPANPLUS please test it against the latest devel version of
        CPANPLUS. Afterwards feel free to contact me about any bugs.

    Marcus Thiesen (

    CPANPLUS Curses Curses::UI ncurses perl