Data-Microformat SYNOPSIS Overview This module handles four existing specifications from * hCard - * adr - * geo - * hFeed - Each of them can be used on their own (hCard uses adr and geo to parse addresses and geolocations, but adr and geo have no dependencies on any others, and hCard doesn't need either unless the corresponding elements appear in an hCard), though the primary appearance of adr and geo "in the wild" is as subparts of hCards. This module exists both to parse existing microformats from webpages, and create new HTML representations of microformats. To use it to parse an existing hCard (or hCards), simply give it the content of the page containing them (there is no need to first eliminate extraneous content, as the module will handle that itself): my $card = Data::Microformat::hCard->parse($content); If you would like to get all the hCards on the webpage, simply ask using an array: my @cards = Data::Microformat::hCard->parse($content); The module respects nested hCards using the parsing rules defined in the spec, so if one hCard contains another, it will return one hCard with the other held in the relevant subpart, rather than two top-level hCards. To create a new hCard, first create the new object: my $card = Data::Microformat::hCard->new; Then use the helper methods to add any data you would like. When you're ready to output the hCard, simply write my $output = $card->to_hcard; And $output will be filled with an hCard representation, using <div> tags exclusively with the relevant class names. If you'd like instead to get a plain text representation, write my $text = $card->to_text; If you would like to have the parser determine the representative hCard for a page, simply pass the page's URL as an additional parameter to the parse or from_tree methods, and the appropriate property will be set if it can be determined. For information on precisely what types of strings are intended for each hCard property, it is recommended to consult the vCARD specification, RFC 2426. The Helper Methods Each module in Data::Microformat provides two methods, singular_fields and plural_fields. These methods list the fields on that object that can have exactly one value, or multiple values, respectively. Their documentation also tries to provide some hint as to what the field might be used for. To set a value in a field, simply write $object->field_name($value); For instance, $my_hcard->nickname("Happy"); To get a value, for either singular or plural fields, you may write my $value = $object->field_name; For plural fields, to get all the values, just make the call in array context; for instance, my @values = $my_hcard->nickname; A plural value with multiple values set will return just the first one when called in scalar context. INSTALLATION To install this module, run the following commands: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install SUPPORT AND DOCUMENTATION After installing, you can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Data::Microformat You can also look for information at: RT, CPAN's request tracker AnnoCPAN, Annotated CPAN documentation CPAN Ratings Search CPAN AUTHOR Brendan O'Connor <perl -at- ussjoin -dot- com> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2008 Six Apart Ltd. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.