# NAME Perl::Critic::Policy::CompileTime - Provide Perl::Critic support for hunting down compile-time side effects # SUMMARY Perl::Critic::Policy::CompileTime and PPIx::PerlCompiler: A dynamic duo for finding abberant code with bad compile-time side effects! # SYNOPSIS ~$ cat ~/.perlcriticrc include = CompileTime # DESCRIPTION Perl::Critic::Policy::CompileTime is a Perl::Critic module which allows one to quickly find code in a large codebase or installation which may not run the way one expects when compiled by the Perl compiler, B::C. With the help of the underlying code in PPIx::PerlCompiler, it does so by performing some rudimentary pattern matching against statements and subexpressions in specific instances. ## FEATURES PPIx::PerlCompiler provides the ability to check compile time code blocks, BEGIN, UNITCHECK, and CHECK, for code that may likely have system-wide side effects, or may perform I/O that may invalidate dependent state of compiled binaries when they run. Perl::Critic::Policy::CompileTime issues severity level 40 advisories regarding the aforementioned features in Perl code. To use this module with Perl::Critic, simply add something like the following to your .perlcriticrc file: include = CompileTime # SEE ALSO - [Perl::Critic](https://metacpan.org/pod/Perl::Critic) # AUTHOR Xan Tronix <xan@cpan.org>