NAME Digest::PBKDF2 A minimalist Digest module using the PBKDF2 algorithm. NOTICE You can only use one salt, a pre-salt, with this module. It is not smart enough to do post-salts. SYNOPSIS my $digest = Digest::PBKDF2->new; # Or... my $digest = Digest::PBKDF2->new(encoding => 'ldap'); $digest->add('mysalt'); # salt = 'mysalt' $digest->add('k3wLP@$$w0rd'); # password = 'k3wLP@$$w0rd' $digest->add('eX+ens10n'); # password = 'k3wLP@$$w0rdeX+ens10n' my $result = $digest->digest; # $PBKDF2$HMACSHA1:1000:bXlzYWx0$4P9pwp # LoF+eq5jwUbMw05qRQyZs= That's about it. METHODS new Create a new Digest::PBKDF2 object. This defaults to using the "ldap" encoding available in Crypt::PBKDF2--please see Crypt::PBKDF2 for details. clone Copies the data and state from the original Digest::PBKDF2 object, and returns a new object. add Pass this method your salt and data chunks. They are stored up until you call digest. digest This encrypts your data and returns the encrypted string. reset After calling digest, the module calls reset on its self, clearing data and the record of how many additions were made to the data to be digested. SEE ALSO Crypt::PBKDF2 Digest AUTHOR Amiri Barksdale, <> COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2014 by Campus Explorer, Inc. <> LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.