AxKit::Plugin::DisableXSLTParams - Disable XSLT Params

    Under normal circumstances, CGI params are passed on top the XSLT
    processor. While this can be wanted, it can also have undesirable
    effects. Some of those may match variable or other param names that
    you use in your XSLT stylesheet, and having them forced upon you
    by CGI params can lead to hard to locate bugs.

    All you need to do to make them go away is to add this module to
    your conf.

    The patch that allows this module to work should have been in
    AxKit 1.5 but unfortunately it somehow slipped. Currently you'll
    need the CVS version of AxKit (see for details on
    how to get it) or wait until 1.5.1 or 1.6.

-- Robin Berjon,