NAME Catalyst::Authentication::Credential::Flickr - Flickr authentication for Catalyst SYNOPSIS In use Catalyst qw/ Authentication Session Session::Store::FastMmap Session::State::Cookie /; MyApp->config( "Plugin::Authentication" => { default_realm => "flickr", realms => { flickr => { credential => { class => "Flickr", }, key => 'flickr-key-here', secret => 'flickr-secret-here', perms => 'read', }, }, }, ); And then in your Controller: sub login : Local { my ($self, $c) = @_; my $realm = $c->get_auth_realm('flickr'); $c->res->redirect( $realm->credential->authenticate_flickr_url($c) ); } And finally the callback you specified in your API key request (e.g. ): sub flickr : Local { my ($self, $c) = @_; $c->authenticate(); $c->res->redirect("/super/secret/member/area"); } DESCRIPTION This module handles Flickr API authentication in a Catalyst application. When Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication 0.10 was released, the API had changed, resulting in broken code when using Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::Credential::Flickr. This module tries to follow the guidelines of the new API and deprecate Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::Credential::Flickr. Code changes are needed, but are fairly minimal. METHODS As per guidelines of Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication, there are two mandatory methods, "new" and "authenticate". Since this is not really enough for the Flickr API, I've added one more (and an alias). new() Will not be called by you directly, but will use the configuration you provide (see above). Mandatory parameters are "key", "secret" and "perms". Please see Flickr::API for more details on them. authenticate_flickr_url( $c ) This method will return the authentication URL. Bounce your users there before calling the "authentication" method. authenticate( ) Handles the authentication. Nothing more, nothing less. It returns a Catalyst::Authentication::User::Hash with the following keys (all coming straight from Flickr). fullname nsid perms token username AUTHOR M. Blom <> <> COPYRIGHT This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module. SEE ALSO Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication, Flickr::API BUGS "Bugs? Impossible!". Please report bugs to < dential-Flickr> THANKS Thanks go out Daisuke Murase for writing C::P::A::Credential::Flickr, Ashley Pond for inspiration and help in C::A::Credential::OpenID, Cal Henderson for Flickr::API.