Catalyst::Helper::View::Bootstrap - Helper for Twitter Bootstrap and TT
    view which builds a skeleton web site

    # use the helper to create the view module and templates

        $ script/ view HTML Bootstrap

    # add something like the following to your main application module

        sub message : Global {
            my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
            $c->stash->{template} = 'message.tt2';
            $c->stash->{message}  ||= $c->req->param('message') || 'No message';

        sub index : Path : Args(0) {
            my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
            $c->stash->{template} = 'welcome.tt2';

        sub end : Private { # Or use Catalyst::Action::RenderView
            my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
            $c->forward( $c->view('HTML') );

    This helper module creates a TT View module. It goes further than
    Catalyst::Helper::View::TT in that it additionally creates a simple set
    of templates to get you started with your web site presentation using
    Twitter Bootstrap3 from a CDN (Content Delivery Network).

    It creates the templates in root/ directory underneath your main project
    directory. In here two further subdirectories are created: root/src
    which contains the main page templates, and root/lib containing a
    library of other template components (header, footer, etc.) that the
    page templates use.

    The view module that the helper creates is automatically configured to
    locate these templates.

    It sets character encoding to utf-8 and it delivers HTML5 pages.

  Default Rendering
    To render a template the following process is applied:

    The configuration template root/lib/config/main is rendered. This is
    controlled by the "PRE_PROCESS" configuration variable set in the
    controller generated by Catalyst::Helper::View::Bootstrap. Additionally,
    templates referenced by the "PROCESS" directive will then be rendered.

    Next, the template defined by the "WRAPPER" config variable is called.
    The default wrapper template is located in root/lib/site/wrapper. The
    wrapper template passes files with ".css/.js/.txt" extensions through as
    text OR processes the templates defined after the "WRAPPER" directive:
    "site/html" and "site/layout".

    Based on the default value of the "WRAPPER" directive in
    root/lib/site/wrapper, the following templates are processed in order:

    *   root/src/your_template.tt2

    *   root/lib/site/footer

    *   root/lib/site/header

    *   root/lib/site/sidemenu

    *   root/lib/site/layout

    *   root/lib/site/html

    Finally, the rendered content is returned to the bowser.

    Generates the component class.

    Generates the templates.

    Catalyst, Catalyst::View::TT, Catalyst::Helper,

    Ferruccio Zamuner <>

    This library is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as perl itself.

    [% class %] - Catalyst TT Twitter Bootstrap View

    See "[% app %]"

    Catalyst TTSite View.

    [% author %]

    This library is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.