Catalyst::View::Markdown - Markdown View Class

    # use the helper to create your View view MD Markdown

    # add custom configration in View/

            # any Markdown configuration items go here
            FILENAME_EXTENSION => '.md',
            empty_element_suffix => '/>',
            tab_width => 4,
            trust_list_start_value => 1,

    # add include path configuration in

            'View::MD' => {
                INCLUDE_PATH => [
                    __PACKAGE__->path_to( 'root', 'src' ),
                    __PACKAGE__->path_to( 'root', 'lib' ),

    # render view from lib/ or

        sub message : Global {
            my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
            $c->stash->{markdown_filename} = 'message';
            $c->forward( $c->view('MD') );

    This is the Catalyst view class for Markdown. Your application should
    define a view class which is a subclass of this module. Throughout this
    manual it will be assumed that your application is named MyApp and you
    are creating a Markdown view named MD; these names are placeholders and
    should always be replaced with whatever name you've chosen for your
    application and your view. The easiest way to create a Markdown view
    class is through the script that is created along with
    the application:

        $ script/ view MD Markdown

    This creates a module in the lib directory (again,
    replacing "MyApp" with the name of your application) which looks
    something like this:

        package FooBar::View::MD;
        use Moose;

        extends 'Catalyst::View::Markdown';

        __PACKAGE__->config(DEBUG => 'all');

    Now you can modify your action handlers in the main application and/or
    controllers to forward to your view class. You might choose to do this
    in the end() method, for example, to automatically forward all actions
    to the Markdown view class.

        # In MyApp or MyApp::Controller::SomeController

        sub end : Private {
            my( $self, $c ) = @_;
            $c->forward( $c->view('MD') );

    But if you are using the standard auto-generated end action, you don't
    even need to do this!

        # in MyApp::Controller::Root
        sub end : ActionClass('RenderView') {} # no need to change this line

        # in
            default_view => 'MD',

    This will Just Work. And it has the advantages that:

    *   If you want to use a different view for a given request, just set <<
        $c->stash->{current_view} >>. (See Catalyst's "$c->view" method for

    *   << $c->res->redirect >> is handled by default. If you just forward
        to "View::MD" in your "end" routine, you could break this by sending
        additional content.

    See Catalyst::Action::RenderView for more details.

    There are a three different ways to configure your view class. The first
    way is to call the "config()" method in the view subclass. This happens
    when the module is first loaded.

        package MyApp::View::MD;
        use Moose;
        extends 'Catalyst::View::Markdown';

            tab_width => 4,

    You may also override the configuration provided in the view class by
    adding a 'View::MD' section to your application config.

    This should generally be used to inject the include paths into the view
    to avoid the view trying to load the application to resolve paths.

        .. inside ..
            'View::MD' => {
                INCLUDE_PATH => [
                    __PACKAGE__->path_to( 'root', 'markdown', 'lib' ),
                    __PACKAGE__->path_to( 'root', 'markdown', 'src' ),

    You can also configure your view from within your config file if you're
    using Catalyst::Plugin::ConfigLoader. This should be reserved for
    deployment-specific concerns. For example:

        # MyApp_local.conf (Config::General format)

        <View MD>
          INCLUDE_PATH __path_to('root/markdown/custom_site')__
          INCLUDE_PATH __path_to('root/markdown')__

    might be used as part of a simple way to deploy different instances of
    the same application with different themes.

    Sometimes it is desirable to modify INCLUDE_PATH for your templates at
    run time.

    If you need to add paths to the end of INCLUDE_PATH, there is an
    include_path() accessor available:

        push( @{ $c->view('MD')->include_path }, qw/path/ );

    Note that if you use include_path() to add extra paths to INCLUDE_PATH,
    you MUST check for duplicate paths. Without such checking, the above
    code will add "path" to INCLUDE_PATH at every request, causing a memory

    A safer approach is to use include_path() to overwrite the array of
    paths rather than adding to it. This eliminates both the need to perform
    duplicate checking and the chance of a memory leak:

        @{ $c->view('MD')->include_path } = qw/path another_path/;

    The view plugin renders the template specified in the
    "markdown_filename" item in the stash.

        sub message : Global {
            my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
            $c->stash->{markdown_filename} = '';
            $c->forward( $c->view('MD') );

    If a stash item isn't defined, then it instead uses the stringification
    of the action dispatched to (as defined by $c->action) in the above
    example, this would be "message", but because the default is to append
    '.md', it would load "root/".

    The output generated by the file is stored in "$c->response->body".

    If you wish to use the output of a Markdown file for some other purpose
    than displaying in the response, e.g. for sending an email, this is
    possible using Catalyst::Plugin::Email and the render method:

      sub send_email : Local {
        my ($self, $c) = @_;

          header => [
            To      => 'me@localhost',
            Subject => 'A Markdown Email',
          body => $c->view('MD')->render($c, ''),
      # Redirect or display a message

    The constructor for the Markdown view. Sets up the Markdown provider,
    and reads the application config.

    Renders the template specified in "$c->stash->{markdown_filename}" or
    "$c->action" (the private name of the matched action). Calls render to
    perform actual rendering. Output is stored in "$c->response->body".

    It is possible to forward to the process method of a Markdown view from
    inside Catalyst like this:


    N.B. This is usually done automatically by Catalyst::Action::RenderView.

  render($c, $md_filename)
    Renders the given file and returns output. Throws a Template::Exception
    object upon error.

    To use the render method outside of your Catalyst app, just pass a undef
    context. This can be useful for tests, for instance.

    This method allows your view subclass to pass additional settings to the
    Markdown configuration hash, or to set the options as below:

    The list of paths Markdown will look for files in. The first matching
    file will be used.

    Allows you to specify a custom class to use as the template class
    instead of Text::Markdown.

        package MyApp::View::MD;
        use Moose;
        extends 'Catalyst::View::Markdown';

        use Text::MultiMarkdown;

            CLASS => 'Text::MultiMarkdown',

    This is useful if you want to use your own subclasses of Markdown.

    The Catalyst::Helper::View::Markdown helper module is provided to create
    your view module. There are invoked by the script:

        $ script/ view Web Markdown

    The Catalyst::Helper::View::Markdown module creates a basic Markdown
    view module.

    Catalyst, Catalyst::Helper::View::Markdown, Template::Manual

    Richard Wallman, ""

    This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.