NAME InterMine::Model - the representation of an InterMine model SYNOPSIS use InterMine::Model; my $model_file = 'flymine/dbmodel/build/model/genomic_model.xml'; my $model = InterMine::Model->new(file => $model_file); my $gene = $model->make_new( Gene => { primaryIdentifier => "FBgn0004053", secondaryIdentifier => "CG1046", symbol => "zen", name => "zerknullt", length => "3474", organism => { shortName => "D. melanogaster", } ncbiGeneNumber => 40828, }); $gene->getName(); # "zerknullt" ... DESCRIPTION The class is the Perl representation of an InterMine data model. The new() method can parse the model file. The get_classdescriptor_by_name() method will return an InterMine::Model::ClassDescriptor object for the class with the given name. For an example model see: del/testmodel_model.xml AUTHOR FlyMine "<>" BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to "". SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc InterMine::Model; You can also look for information at: * FlyMine <> COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2019 InterMine, all rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. FUNCTIONS new Title : new Usage : $model = new InterMine::Model(file => $model_file); or $model = new InterMine::Model(string => $model_string); Function: return a Model object for the given file Args : file - the InterMine model XML file get_classdescriptor_by_name Title : get_classdescriptor_by_name Usage : $cd = $model->get_classdescriptor_by_name("Gene"); Function: return the InterMine::Model::ClassDescriptor for the given class or undef if the class isn't in the model Args : the classname make_new($class_name, [%attributes|$attributes]) Return an object of the desired class, with the attributes given my $gene = $model->make_new(Gene => {symbol => "zen", organism => {name => 'D. melanogaster}}); say $gene->get_symbol # "zen" say $gene->get_organism->get_name # "D. melanogaster" get_all_classdescriptors Title : get_all_classdescriptors Usage : @cds = $model->get_all_classdescriptors(); Function: return all the InterMine::Model::ClassDescriptor objects for this model Args : none get_referenced_classdescriptor Usage : my $cd = $model->get_referenced_classdescriptor($ref); Function : get the class descriptor at the other end of a reference Args : The reference find_classes_declaring_field Usage : my @classes = $model->find_classes_declaring_field($str); Function : get the class descriptors that declare fields of a certain name Args : The field's name package_name Title : package_name Usage : $package_name = $model->package_name(); Function: return the package name derived from the name space eg. "org.intermine.model" Args : none model_name Title : model_name Usage : $model_name = $model->model_name(); Function: return the model name from the model file eg. "testmodel" Args : none