
JSPL.pm is a bridge between Mozilla's SpiderMonkey JavaScript engine and the
Perl engine.

JSPL allows you to export perl functions, classes and even entire perl namespaces
to javascript, then compile and execute javascript code and call javascript

You can pass any variable or value between both interpreters and JSPL does
automatic reflexion between perl and javascript datatypes.

You can start using all this by writing JavaScript code and running it with the
included "jspl" shell:


    // This JavaScript code uses perl's features in a transparent way

    say('Hello World!');
    say('Are you ' + Sys.Env['USER'] + '?');

    if(Sys.Argv.length) say('My argv: ' + Sys.Argv.toString());

Or execute JavaScript code from perl:

    use JSPL;

    my $ctx = JSPL->stock_context;

       for (i = 99; i > 0; i--) {
	 say(i + " bottle(s) of beer on the wall, " + i + " bottle(s) of beer");
	 say("Take 1 down, pass it around, ");
	 if (i > 1) {
	   say((i - 1) + " bottle(s) of beer on the wall.");
	 else {
	   say("No more bottles of beer on the wall!");

Even use installed CPAN modules directly from JavaScript:

    require('Gtk2', 'Gtk2');
    install('Gtk2.Window', 'Gtk2::Window');
    install('Gtk2.Button', 'Gtk2::Button');


    var window = new Gtk2.Window('toplevel');
    var button = new Gtk2.Button('Quit');

    button.signal_connect('clicked', function() { Gtk2.main_quit() });

    say('Thats all folks!');



To compile and install JSPL, make sure you have SpiderMonkey's headers
and libraries installed. See <https://developer.mozilla.org/en/SpiderMonkey>

Note that for SpiderMonkey after version 1.8.0, you require a C++ compiler.

If you have build your own SpiderMonkey from sources but not installed it,
set the environment variable 'JS_SRC' to the path of your build directory,
normally one below SM's 'js/src' directory, and skip to "Building" below.
But be aware that using JS_SRC imply that you want to use a SM _static_ build.

Otherwise the simplest way to get SM's headers an libraries is to install a
recent copy of the XULRunner SDK (aka Gecko SDK).

* Linux

Most Linux distributions provide the XULRunner SDK: in Fedora it is provided in
the package 'xulrunner-devel', in Debian in 'xulrunner-dev', Ubuntu distributes
it in parts, you need 'libmozjs-dev'.  Some linux distributions ship a 'js-devel'
package, that can be used too.

All those should include a pkg-config's file that Makefile.PL will use to get
the required compilation parameters.

Makefile.PL will check for a pkg-config file for "mozilla-js" and/or "libjs" in that

* Windows

Grab a copy of XULRunner SDK from <https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Gecko_SDK>,
unzip it and include its "bin" directory in front of the PATH environment variable.

For example, if you unzip it at e:\xulrunner-sdk, you should setup your path

  C:\> set PATH=e:\xulrunner-sdk\bin:%PATH%

That way Makefile.PL can find all the required files.

We use VS 6.0+ for all testing.

* MacOS

Untested, some hacking may be required.

* Other Unixes

All should work as long as Makefile.PL finds a 'pkg-config' file for your
installed SM.


To build and install this module, do the following:

> perl Makefile.PL
> make
> make test
> make install

In Windows, substitute "make" with "nmake".


Until a proper bug tracker is installed, please submit any questions, bug reports,
comments, feature requests, etc., to  Salvador Ortiz <sortiz@cpan.org>


Copyright (c) 2009 - 2011, Salvador Ortiz <sortiz@cpan.org>.
All rights reserved.

Some code adapted from JavaScript module
Copyright (c) 2001 - 2008, Claes Jakobsson <claesjac@cpan.org>.

This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself. See http://dev.perl.org/licenses/artistic.html