Test::Spelling version 0.11 =========================== "Test::Spelling" lets you check the spelling of a POD file, and report its results in standard "Test::Simple" fashion. This module requires the spell program. use Test::More; use Test::Spelling; plan tests => $num_tests; pod_file_spelling_ok( $file, "POD file spelling OK" ); Module authors can include the following in a t/pod_spell.t file and have "Test::Spelling" automatically find and check all POD files in a module distribution: use Test::More; use Test::Spelling; all_pod_files_spelling_ok(); Note, however that it is not really recommended to include this test with a CPAN distribution, or a package that will run in an uncontrolled environment, because there's no way of predicting if spell will be available or the wordlist used will give the same results (what if it's in a different language, for example?). You can add your own stopwords (words that should be ignored by the spell check): add_stopwords(qw(adsf thiswordiscorrect)); These stopwords are global for the test. See L<Pod::Spell> for a variety of ways to add per-file stopwords to each .pm file. CHANGES SINCE VERSION 0.10 - Some documentation fixes. - Added note about per-file stopwords by Chris Dolan. - Use a temporary file instead of open2() to solve win32 portability issues. (Thanks to Chris Laco!) INSTALLATION perl Makefile.PL make make test make install DEPENDENCIES perl-5.6.0+ Pod::Spell 1.01 Test::More 0 Test::Builder::Tester 0 File::Spec 0 File::Temp 0 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2005 Ivan Tubert-Brohman <itub@cpan.org> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.