Markup::MatchNode - Comparison object of Markup::TreeNode.

            use Markup::MatchNode;

            my $node = Markup::MatchNode->new( tagname => 'p', attr => { align => 'center' } );
            $_ = $node->compare_to(Markup::TreeNode->new( tagname => 'p', attr => { align => 'left' } ));

            print "Percent correct: $_\n";

    Pretty much exactly the same as Markup::TreeNode. The major difference
    is the "compare_to" method. Likely you won't need this module
    explicitly. It is mostly used with Markup::Content.

    All the same as Markup::TreeNode with the notable exception of
    "compare_to", listed below.

    Please note the following terminology:

    A Major Error occurs when one of the following tag nodes is out of
    place: table, td, tr, tbody, map, object, img, body, head, title, and

    A Minor Error is any error that is not a Major Error. This could be
    unmatched text an unmatched attribute, an unmatched tag node or any
    other error.

    compare_to (Markup::TreeNode)
        This compares the current MatchNode to the specified TreeNode.
        Generally you won't need to explicitly call this method or use this
        module unless you are performing some custom matching routines.

        Returns: In scalar context it returns the percentage correct. The
        example under SYNOPSIS should yeild 75. In list context two
        references to arrays are returned. The first index is the complete
        stats on the minor errors. Index zero of this array reference is the
        total number of possible correct points. The second index is the
        total correct points. The following index is the percent correct.
        The last index of the array reference is a colon(:)-seperated list
        of reasons why the nodes did not match. The second array reference
        represents the major errors and the array indices exactly mirror the
        minor errors.


                my $node = Markup::MatchNode->new( tagname => 'p', attr => { align => 'center' } );

                # scalar context
                $_ = $node->compare_to(Markup::TreeNode->new( tagname => 'p', attr => { align => 'left' } ));
                print "Percent correct: $_%\n";

                # list context
                @_ = $node->compare_to(Markup::TreeNode->new( tagname => 'p', attr => { align => 'left' } ));
                $_[0]->[3] =~ s/:/\n\t\t\t\t\t/g;
                $_[1]->[3] =~ s/:/\n\t\t\t\t\t/g;
                $_ = int((($_[0]->[2] + $_[1]->[2]) / 2));
                print <<EOF;

                Error   Correct         Total   Percent Reasons
                Minor   $_[0]->[1]      of      $_[0]->[0]      ($_[0]->[2]%)   $_[0]->[3]
                Major   $_[1]->[1]      of      $_[1]->[0]      ($_[1]->[2]%)   $_[1]->[3]
                Total                           ($_%)

    Markup::TreeNode, Markup::MatchTree, Markup::Tree, Markup::Content

    BPrudent (Brandon Prudent)
