To install this module, you can either use cpan (which automates the process for you) or manually run the following commands: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install If you are on a windows box you should use 'nmake' rather than 'make'. Feel free to email me at if you have problems installing this module or if you have any other comments or questions. Module documentation follows. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME Pod::Clipper - Extract blocks of POD from a text document SYNOPSIS use Pod::Clipper; my $clipper = Pod::Clipper->new({ data => $data }); my $all_blocks = $clipper->all; foreach (@{$all_blocks}) { # do something with $_->data if ($_->is_pod) { # POD block. do something with the POD data... # e.g. convert it to HTML } else { # non-POD block (code etc). do something else with it... # e.g. syntax-highlight it } } DESCRIPTION This module allows you to divide a document/string into POD and non-POD blocks of text. This is useful for extracting POD data (or code) from a "mixed" document, like most perl modules on CPAN. POD data is identified as per the perlpodspec manpage. Invalid POD is simply ignored. The only case for this is if a line matched "/\A=cut/" without a starting POD command (e.g. "=head1, =head2," etc). That line will be completely ignored. If you want such lines to be included as part of the non-POD blocks, set "ignore_invalid_pod" to false. Please note that "Pod::Clipper" doesn't check the POD data itself for validity. For example, you may have a mismatched bracket in your POD like "C<<mismatched>". "Pod::Clipper" only cares about the POD commands that mark the beginning and end of your blocks (i.e. where these blocks should be *clipped*). It doesn't care about the actual POD data. Hence, the only case for invalid POD that "Pod::Clipper" can detect is if you have a dangling "=cut" command (explained in the previous paragraph and below). By default, leading and trailing whitespace characters are ignored. To change this, set "ignore_whitespace" to false. You can also use "ignore_leading_whitespace" and "ignore_trailing_whitespace" for more control. See below. METHODS new This is the "Pod::Clipper" constructor. As with many perl modules, configuration options are passed as a hash reference. The available options are: data The data you want to process into POD and non-POD blocks. This is a required option. from_file If this option is set (to true), "data" is treated as a filename and your data is pulled from there. If an error occurs (file doesn't exist etc), an exception will be thrown. eval { my $c = Pod::Clipper->new({ data => '', from_file => 1 }); }; if ($@) { # some IO error occurred. the caught error string ($@) is set to # whatever perl passed in $! after open() failed } newline_seq The *line separator* that should be used. The default newline sequence used to separate lines is "\n". In most cases this will do the right thing (perl treats "\n" differently depending on what platform it is running on -- see binmode(1)). However, sometimes you may want to use a different newline sequence. For example, you're running a script on *nix and trying to read a file that was created on Windows. In that case, set newline_seq to "\r\n" in order to get the correct results. If you're running perl 5.10.x or newer, you can use "\R" as your newline sequence and everything should magically work regardless of where the file was created and what platform perl is running on. append_newline By default, "Pod::Clipper" excludes the last newline character in each block. For example, if you have the following: # line 1 # line 2 =pod test =cut "Pod::Clipper" would divide the text above into these two blocks: # line 1 # line 2 <--- block ends here (no newline) and =pod test =cut <--- block ends here (no newline) If you set "append_newline" to true, you would get the following blocks instead: # line 1 # line 2 <--- block ends here and =pod test =cut <--- block ends here Please remember that (the last line of) your data may not necessarily end with a newline character, so setting "append_newline" to true may tack an extra one to the last block. ignore_whitespace Ignore leading and trailing whitespace characters in your data. Default is true. ignore_leading_whitespace Ignore leading whitespace characters in your data. If "ignore_whitespace" is set (to true) this option will be ignored. ignore_trailing_whitespace Ignore trailing whitespace characters in your data. If "ignore_whitespace" is set (to true) this option will be ignored. ignore_invalid_pod Defaults to true which completely ignores "dangling" "=cut" commands in the data. Setting this option to false causes such lines to be treated as non-POD text. Each of the options listed above also have an accessor/mutator method by the same name. For example: my $data = $clipper->data; # get $clipper->data($new_data); # set rebuild If you want to resuse the same "Pod::Clipper" object for a different document/string, make sure to call "rebuild()" after you update your data and other parameters so that "all(), pod()," and "non_pod()" return the correct results. For example: $clipper->data($new_data); $clipper->ignore_whitespace(0); $clipper->rebuild; # parse $new_data and build the new blocks # $clipper->all now reflects the new data all This method returns an array reference to all blocks, i.e. the POD and non-POD ones. The order of these blocks as they appear in the original data is preserved. pod Same as "all()", but returns only the POD blocks. non_pod Same as "all()", but returns only the non-POD blocks. BUGS There are no known bugs. If you find one, please report it to me at the email address listed below. Any other suggestions or comments are also welcome. AUTHOR Yousef H. Alhashemi <> COPYRIGHT This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module. SEE ALSO Pod::Clipper::Block