# NAME Redis::DistLock - Distributed lock manager using Redis # SYNOPSIS use Redis::DistLock; my $rd = Redis::DistLock->new( servers => [qw[ localhost:6379 ]] ); my $mutex = $rd->lock( "foo", 10 ); die( "failed to get a lock" ) if ! $mutex; # ... critical section ... $rd->release( $mutex ); # DESCRIPTION This is an implementation of the Redlock algorithm using Redis for distributed lock management. **NOTE**: This needs at least Redis version 2.6.12 which adds new options to the `SET` command making this implementation possible. # METHODS ## new( ... ) - servers Array reference with servers to connect to or [Redis](https://metacpan.org/pod/Redis) objects to use. - retry\_count Maximum number of times to try to acquire the lock. Defaults to `3`. - retry\_delay Maximum delay between retries in seconds. Defaults to `0.2`. - version\_check Flag to check redis server version(s) in the constructor to ensure compatibility. Defaults to `1`. ## lock( $resource, $ttl \[ $value \] ) Acquire the lock for the resource with the given time to live (in seconds) until the lock expires. Without a value will generate a unique identifier. ## release( $lock ) Release the previously acquired lock. # SEE ALSO [http://redis.io/topics/distlock](http://redis.io/topics/distlock) # DISCLAIMER This code implements an algorithm which is currently a proposal, it was not formally analyzed. Make sure to understand how it works before using it in production environments. # ACKNOWLEDGMENT This module was originally developed at Booking.com. With approval from Booking.com, this module was released as open source, for which the author would like to express his gratitude. # AUTHOR Simon Bertrang, <janus@cpan.org> # COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2014 by Simon Bertrang This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.