SVN::Notify::Mirror - Keep a mirrored working copy of a repository path

    Keep a directory in sync with a portion of a Subversion repository.
    Typically used to keep a development web server in sync with the changes
    made to the repository. This directory can either be on the same box as
    the repository itself, or it can be remote.

    NEW in version 0.040
    Bugfix for Subversion 1.7.x output (test changes only)

    NEW in version 0.038
    Bugfix for Module::Build and Perl 5.10.0

    NEW in version 0.037
    - Support generic ssh_options parameter (for trickier settings).
    - Require YAML explicitly
    - Depends on latest SVN::Notify

    NOTE: Please use SVN::Notify::Mirror::SSH directly for all new
    installs.  The compatibility feature to pass through ssh-* options
    will be removed in version 0.050.  See the POD for more details.

    Install Module::Build and then run:

    $ perl Build.PL
    $ ./Build
    $ su
    # ./Build install

PREREQUISITES (Optional and otherwise)
    The only mandatory prerequisite is SVN::Notify (obviously), but the
    presence of several other modules will enable other features:

        Permits a YAML config file to be used as the entire postcommit
        script, like the second example in the SYNOPSIS.

        Required to use SSH to update a remote working copy.  See
        SVN::Notify::Mirror::SSH for usage of that transport method.

        Required to use rsync to update a remote working copy  See
        SVN::Notify::Mirror::RSync for usage of that transport method..

        If you install any of these modules after installing
        SVN::Notify::Mirror, those features will be available immediately
        (though you can rerun the install in order to see the tests).

    If you have the optional Net::SSH module installed, you can test the
    SVN::Notify::Mirror::SSH subclass if you have the following configured:

    1) a personal ssh key (located in the default ~/.ssh location);
    2) your key does not have a password;
    3) you have already used that key to connect successfully to localhost.

    Normally, once you have a personal ssh key, you can simply do

        $ ssh localhost

    and respond to the prompt to add locahost to the list of known_hosts.
    If this is not true, answer 'N' to the prompt during ./Build.

    John Peacock <>