Text::BSV::* version 1.04


    This distribution includes the following modules:

        Text::BSV::BsvFileReader - Defines a class for reading BSV data
        from a file and then turning the data into an array of field names
        plus one hash encapsulating each record.

        Text::BSV::BsvListReader - Defines a class for reading BSV data
        from a list of strings containing the rows (without end-of-line
        characters), including the header row, and then turning the data
        into an array of field names plus one hash encapsulating each

        Text::BSV::BsvWriter - Defines a class for generating BSV data from
        a list of field names and a list of references to hashes that
        encapsulate records.  The class provides a method for returning the
        BSV data as a reference to an array of strings, and a method for
        writing the BSV data to a file.

        Text::BSV::BsvParsing - Contains helper functions for parsing and
        generating BSV data.  These functions are used by the other modules.
        Although there is no prohibition against client code using these
        functions directly, there is little likelihood of that being useful.

        Text::BSV::Exception - Defines a package for creating a
        Text::BSV::Exception object, which can be thrown using the Perl
        "die" function and caught using "eval".

    For information on the BSV (Bar-Separated Values) format itself, see the
    file named "bsv_format.txt".


    These modules require Perl 5, version 5.10.1 or later.


    To install the modules included in this distribution, simply copy the
    "Text" directory (with its BSV subdirectory and the files therein) to a
    location in @INC (for example, "/etc/perl" or "C:\Perl\site\lib").


    Benjamin Fitch <blernflerkl@yahoo.com>


    Copyright 2010 by Benjamin Fitch

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.