"Text::Corpus::NewYorkTimes" - Interface to New York Times corpus.

      use Text::Corpus::NewYorkTimes;
      use Data::Dump qw(dump);
      use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
      Log::Log4perl->easy_init ($INFO);
      my $corpus = Text::Corpus::NewYorkTimes->new (fileList => $fileList, corpusDirectory => $corpusDirectory);
      dump $corpus->getTotalDocuments;

    "Text::Corpus::NewYorkTimes" provides an interface for accessing the
    documents in the New York Times corpus from Linguistic Data Consortium.
    The categories, description, title, etc... of a specified document are
    accessed using Text::Corpus::NewYorkTimes::Document. Also, all errors
    and warnings are logged using Log::Log4perl, which should be

    The method "new" creates an instance of the "Text::Corpus::NewYorkTimes"
    class with the following parameters:

         corpusDirectory => '...'

        "corpusDirectory" is the path to the top most directory of the
        corpus; it usually is the path to the directory named "nyt_corpus".
        It is needed to locate all the documents in the corpus. If it is not
        defined, then the enviroment variable
        "TEXT_CORPUS_NEWYORKTIMES_CORPUSDIRECTORY" is used if it is defined;
        if neither of these are defined then all the paths in the file
        specified by "fileList" are assumed to be full path names.
        "corpusDirectory" and "fileList" can both be defined to locate the
        documents in the corpus by having the path names in "fileList" be
        defined relative to "corpusDirectory".

         fileList => '...'

        "fileList" is an optional parameter that can be used to save time
        when creating the list of documents in the corpus; each line in the
        file must be the path to an XML document in the corpus. If
        "fileList" is not defined, then the environment variable
        "TEXT_CORPUS_NEWYORKTIMES_FILELIST" is used if it is defined;
        otherwise all the XML documents in the corpus are located by
        searching the directory specified by "corpusDirectory". If the file
        defined by "fileList" or "TEXT_CORPUS_NEWYORKTIMES_FILELIST" does
        not exist, it will be created and the path to each XML document in
        the corpus, relative to "corpusDirectory", will be written to it.
        This is done to speed-up subsequent invocations of the object.

     getDocument (index => $documentIndex)
     getDocument (uri => $uri)

    "getDocument" returns a Text::Corpus::NewYorkTimes::Document object for
    the document with index $documentIndex or uri $uri. The document indices
    range from zero to "getTotalDocument()-1"; "getDocument" returns "undef"
    if any errors occurred and logs them using Log::Log4perl.

    For example:

      use Text::Corpus::NewYorkTimes;
      use Data::Dump qw(dump);
      use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
      Log::Log4perl->easy_init ($INFO);
      my $corpus = Text::Corpus::NewYorkTimes->new (fileList => $fileList, corpusDirectory => $corpusDirectory);
      my $document = $corpus->getDocument (index => 0);
      dump $document->getBody;
      dump $document->getCategories;
      dump $document->getContent;
      dump $document->getDate;
      dump $document->getTitle;
      dump $document->getUri;

     getTotalDocuments ()

    "getTotalDocuments" returns the total number of documents in the corpus.
    The index to the documents in the corpus ranges from zero to
    "getTotalDocuments() - 1".

     test ()

    "test" does tests to ensure the documents in the corpus are accessible
    and can be parsed. It returns true if all tests pass, otherwise a
    description of the test that failed is logged using Log::Log4perl and
    false is returned.

    For example:

      use Text::Corpus::NewYorkTimes;
      use Data::Dump qw(dump);
      use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
      Log::Log4perl->easy_init ($INFO);
      my $corpus = Text::Corpus::NewYorkTimes->new (fileList => $fileList, corpusDirectory => $corpusDirectory);
      dump $corpus->test;

    The example below will print out all the information for each document
    in the corpus.

      use Text::Corpus::NewYorkTimes;
      use Data::Dump qw(dump);
      use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
      Log::Log4perl->easy_init ($INFO);
      my $corpus = Text::Corpus::NewYorkTimes->new (fileList => $fileList, corpusDirectory => $corpusDirectory);
      my $totalDocuments = $corpus->getTotalDocuments;

      for (my $i = 0; $i < $totalDocuments; $i++)
            my $document = $corpus->getDocument(index => $i);
            next unless defined $document;
            my %documentInfo;
            $documentInfo{title} = $document->getTitle();
            $documentInfo{body} = $document->getBody();
            $documentInfo{content} = $document->getContent();
            $documentInfo{categories} = $document->getCategories();
            $documentInfo{description} = $document->getDescription();
            $documentInfo{uri} = $document->getUri();
            dump \%documentInfo;

    To install the module set the environment variable
    Times corpus and run the following commands:

      perl Makefile.PL
      make test
      make install

    If you are on a windows box you should use 'nmake' rather than 'make'.

    The module will install if "TEXT_CORPUS_NEWYORKTIMES_CORPUSDIRECTORY" is
    not defined, but less testing will be performed. After the New York
    Times corpus is installed testing of the module can be performed by

      use Text::Corpus::NewYorkTimes;
      use Data::Dump qw(dump);
      use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
      Log::Log4perl->easy_init ($INFO);
      my $corpus = Text::Corpus::NewYorkTimes->new (corpusDirectory => $corpusDirectory);
      dump $corpus->test;

     Jeff Kubina<>

    Copyright (c) 2009 Jeff Kubina. All rights reserved. This program is
    free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same
    terms as Perl itself.

    The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included
    with this module.

    nyt, new york times, english corpus, information processing

    Log::Log4perl, Text::Corpus::NewYorkTimes::Document