Text::DHCPparse - README

The basic premise of the Text::DHCPparse module is to
parse the lease file from an ISC DHCPd server.  This is
useful for quick reporting on active leases or for
tracking purposes.  The resulting hash reference is a
fixed length record with the key being the IP address for
the lease, and the value being the lease info in the
following format:

   Characters       Field
   ----------  --------------------
     1 - 17    IP Address
    18 - 38    Last Lease Timestamp
    39 - 57    Hardware Address
    58 - 74    Client Hostname

WARNING:  Always use a copy of your 'dhcpd.leases' file -
never use an original from a live server!

To Install:

tar -xzvf Text-DHCPparse-X.XX.tar.gz
(change to newly created directory)
perl Makefile.pl
make install

Author:  John D. Shearer <dhcpparse@netguy.org>

Copyright (c) 2001-2002 John D. Shearer.  All rights reverved.
This program is free software; you may redistribute it
and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

18/Jun/2001            perl 5.005, patch 03                     2