Text::Flowed - text formatting routines for RFC2646 format=flowed

This module provides functions that deals with formatting data with
Content-Type 'text/plain; format=flowed' as described in RFC2646
(http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2646.txt). In a nutshell,
format=flowed text solves the problem in plain text files where it is
not known which lines can be considered a logical paragraph, enabling
lines to be automatically flowed (wrapped and/or joined) as appropriate
when displaying.

In format=flowed, a soft newline is expressed as " \n", while hard
newlines are expressed as "\n". Soft newlines can be automatically
deleted or inserted as appropriate when the text is reformatted.

  use Text::Flowed qw(reformat quote quote_fixed);
  print reformat($text, \%args); # Reformat some format=flowed text

To install:

perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install

Copyright 2002-2003, Philip Mak

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.


Revision History

2002-08-14: v0.14
- $args->{fixed} logic was broken.
- Removed $args->{break} option. It violates the RFC, and after fiddling
  with it, I think such functionality should be implemented by the user
  agent when displaying text to the user.

2002-08-13: v0.13
- Increased version to 0.13 because CPAN's being stubborn.
- $OPT_LENGTH was being used by mistake instead of $args->{opt_length}.
- $args->{break} was breaking words longer than opt_length but shorter
  than max_length.
- $args->{fixed} == 2 makes all lines interpreted as format=fixed.
- Off-by-one bug: Lines could be longer than opt_length/max_length by
  one character.

2002-08-11: v0.02
- reformat($text, {fixed => 1}) was incorrectly interpreting all lines
  as fixed, rather than just unquoted lines as fixed.
- reformat() was not unstuffing joined lines.
- Lines were sometimes double-quoted due to _num_quotes() using $1 even
  if it was undefined.
- $args->{break} added to break excessively long words (in violation of