Text::FrontMatter::YAML - read the "YAML front matter" format DESCRIPTION Text::FrontMatter::YAML opens files with so-called "YAML front matter", such as are found on GitHub (and used in Jekyll, and various other programs). It's a way of associating metadata with a file by marking off the metadata into a YAML section at the top of the file. You can create an object from a string containing a full document (say, the contents of a file), or from a hashref (to turn into the YAML front matter) and a string (for the rest of the file data). The object can't be altered once it's created. SYNOPSIS use File::Slurp; use Text::FrontMatter::YAML; # READING my $text_with_frontmatter = read_file("filename.md"); my $tfm = Text::FrontMatter::YAML->new( document_string => $text_with_frontmatter ); my $hashref = $tfm->frontmatter_hashref; my $mumble = $hashref->{'mumble'}; my $data = $tfm->data_text; # or also my $fh = $tfm->data_fh(); while (defined(my $line = <$fh>)) { # do something with the file data } # WRITING my $tfm = Text::FrontMatter::YAML->new( frontmatter_hashref => { title => 'The first sentence of the "Gettysburg Address"', author => 'Abraham Lincoln', date => 18631119 }, data_text => "Four score and seven years ago...", ); write_file("gettysburg.md", $tfm->document_string); INSTALLATION To install this module, run the following commands: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install FUTURE DIRECTIONS Text::FrontMatter::YAML uses YAML::Tiny. Perhaps it would be useful to support more than one YAML module. Perhaps that would be more trouble that it's worth. Thoughts? SUPPORT AND DOCUMENTATION After installing, you can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Text::FrontMatter::YAML Send questions, feature requests, and bug reports to me at C<ahall@vitaphone.net>. Please include C<Text::FrontMatter::YAML> in the subject line of the e-mail. Thanks! LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright 2013-2021 Aaron Hall. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl 5.10.1. See http://dev.perl.org/licenses/ for more information.