Text::PORE version 1.01

Text::PORE - Perl Object Rendering Engine

PORE is a general-purpose template-based object rendering engine. It is intended for producing dynamic
content by rending Perl objects with templates. The template language consists a set of XML tags. The 
template parser is built using byacc. PORE is light and fast. 

Parallel to the idea of JSP and PHP, PORE was designed to separate data from presentation. 
The data is encapsulated in Perl objects, like Java Beans. The presentation is represented by 
PORE::Template, like JSP files. PORE consists of a templating language that is a set of XML tags 
and a rendering engine that parses templates and generates output using specified Perl objects. 
PORE is suitable for any environment where dynamic content needs to be produced based on Perl objects. 
For instance, it can be used for developing CGI programs, where Perl developers can concentrate on 
writing business logics and data retrieval, while content developers can focus on producing presentation 

To install this module type the following:

   perl Makefile.PL
   make test
   make install

Zhengrong Tang, ztang@cpan.org

Copyright 2004 by Zhengrong Tang

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.