Text::Patch::Rred version 0.06 ============================== This module and program safely and securely applies one or more ed-style patches as produced by the command diff --ed oldfile newfile. It does exactly what you tell it to and no more, even with wildly bad or evil input. Unlike the traditional programs patch, ed, red and sed, rred does not allow the data in the patch to run arbitrary commands, read or write files or otherwise cause havoc. Only the handful of safe "commands" actually used by diff are recognized and processed. Unlike the patch program and the perl modules Text::Patch, PatchReader and Meta::Development::Patch, this module does NOT try to doubleguess what kind of data it is given or which file to process. (Note that the other perl modules just mentioned cannot actually apply an ed-style patch, though some can parse it). The name rred is short for "Really Restricted ED" (as compared to red(1)). This is the name given to a similar utility used inside the Debian projects apt facility. INSTALLATION and DEPENDENCIES See the file INSTALL BUG REPORTING Please send bug reports to Jakob Bohm <ehekikkeptiehewdur@jbohm.dk>, Always include the full module name (with double colons and all) in the subject line to get past my "spam" filters. COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Copyright (C) 2006-2009 by Jakob Bohm. All Rights Reserved. This library and program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.6.0 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.