NAME Text::ResusciAnneparser - Parser for XML logfiles of the Resusci Anne Skills Station software VERSION version 0.03 SYNOPSIS my $certificates = Text::ResusciAnneparser->new(infile => 'certificates.xml'); DESCRIPTION The Resusci Anne Skills Station is a basic life support training station used by people involved in first-line support in healthcare. The training station keeps track of who trained when. This module enables parsing the xml output file to be able to process the data. METHODS "new(%parameters)" This constructor returns a new Text::ResusciAnneparser object. Supported parameters are listed below infile The input file containing the raw data log of the skill station software "certified" Returns a hash of people who received a valid training certificate. The hash contains keys with the training dates in the format YYYY-MM-DD. The value attached to a date key in the hash is an array of people. A single person entry is a hash containing the givenname and the familiname of a person. E.g. '2013-04-07' => [ { 'givenname' => 'Piet', 'familyname' => 'Konijn' } ], '2013-03-25' => [ { 'givenname' => 'Zjuul', 'familyname' => 'Cesar' }, { 'givenname' => 'Pette', 'familyname' => 'Sjiekke' } ] "in_training" Returns an array of people who started the exercise but who did not completed it and hence have not received a certificate yet BUILD Helper function to run custome code after the object has been created by Moose. AUTHOR Lieven Hollevoet <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Lieven Hollevoet. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.