# -*- coding:utf-8; mode:Text; fill-column:79 -*- # Time-stamp: "2016-07-24 03:12:31 MDT" # (This page is in UTF-8!) |··················································| Module: Text::Unidecode-- make ASCII transliterations of Unicode text Unidecode makes ASCII transliterations of Unicode text. Sometimes it's dumb, but it's better than looking at "???" or "\15BA\15A0\1610...". If you have smarter text-handling subroutines, Unidecode might be useful as a fallthrough for them. Example: print unidecode( "北亰\n" ); prints: Bei Jing See more examples below. For full documentation, run: perldoc Unidecode Or read:see: http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Text::Unidecode An article about how Unidecode runs: http://interglacial.com/tpj/22/ REQUIREMENTS This module requires Perl 5.8.0 at the very least. That's probably not a problem for you, since that's from a decade ago! INSTALLATION * For using the "CPAN Plus" system, read: perldoc cpanp * For old-style "make" interface, read: perldoc perlmodinstall ~~~ EXAMPLE UNIDECODE INPUT AND OUTPUT ~~~ (Just two or three lines, from a few languages.) La décennie voit le début des biotechnologies avec le premier clonage, les organismes génétiquement modifiés, le début du séquençage du génome humain => La decennie voit le debut des biotechnologies avec le premier clonage, les organismes genetiquement modifies, le debut du sequencage du genome humain Wśród nocnej ciszy głos się rozchodzi: Wstańcie, pasterze, Bóg się nam rodzi! => Wsrod nocnej ciszy glos sie rozchodzi: Wstancie, pasterze, Bog sie nam rodzi! Καθαίρονται δ᾽ ἄλλως αἵματι μιαινόμενοι οἷον εἴ τις εἰς πηλὸν ἐμβὰς πηλῷ ἀπονίζοντο. μαίνεσθαι δ᾽ ἂν δοκοίη, εἴ τίς μιν ἀνθρώπων => Kathairontai d' allos aimati miainomenoi oion ei tis eis pelon embas pelo aponizonto. mainesthai d' an dokoie, ei tis min anthropon На другой день к завтраку подавали очень вкусные пирожки, раков и бараньи котлеты; и пока ели, приходил наверх повар Никанор справиться, => Na drughoi dien' k zavtraku podavali ochien' vkusnyie pirozhki, rakov i baran'i kotliety; i poka ieli, prikhodil navierkh povar Nikanor spravit'sia, Nước trà (hay nước chè) là đồ uống phổ biến thứ hai trên thế giới (sau nước uống). Nó làm bằng cách ngâm lá, chồi, hay cành của cây chè => Nuoc tra (hay nuoc che) la do uong pho bien thu hai tren the gioi (sau nuoc uong). No lam bang cach ngam la, choi, hay canh cua cay che #### And Then Things Get A Bit Suboptimal # But remember the Unidecode motto: "It's better than nothing!" 유자차(柚子茶)는 유자청을 찬물이나 더운 물에 희석하여 마시는 한국의 전통 차이다. 유자청은 얇게 자른 유자를 꿀이나 설탕과 섞은 뒤 3~4개월 => yujaca(You Zi Cha )neun yujaceongeul canmulina deoun mule hyiseoghayeo masineun hangugyi jeontong caida. yujaceongeun yalbge jareun yujareul ggulina seoltanggwa seoggeun dwi 3~4gaeweol * The Gayatri Mantra- Sanskrit ॐ भूर्भुवः॒ स्वः । तत्स॑वितुर्वरे॑णियं । भ॒र्गो॑ दे॒वस्य॑ धीमहि। । धियो॒ यो नः॑ प्रचो॒दया॑त्॥ । => AUM bhuurbhuvH' svH / tts'viturvre'nniyN / bh'rgo' de'vsy' dhiimhi / / dhiyo' yo nH' prco'dyaa't // / 道可道,非常道。名可名,非常名。無名天地之始;有名萬物之母。故常無欲, 以觀其妙;常有欲,以觀其徼。此兩者,同出而異名,同謂之玄。玄之又玄,衆 => Dao Ke Dao ,Fei Chang Dao . Ming Ke Ming ,Fei Chang Ming . Wu Ming Tian Di Zhi Shi ;You Ming Wan Wu Zhi Mu . Gu Chang Wu Yu , Yi Guan Qi Miao ;Chang You Yu ,Yi Guan Qi Jiao . Ci Liang Zhe ,Tong Chu Er Yi Ming ,Tong Wei Zhi Xuan . Xuan Zhi You Xuan ,Zhong #Yiddish. Directionality and ligature might come out wrong in your browser/editor:] טיי איז א געטראנק וואס מען טרינקט איבער דער גארער וועלט. טיי ווערט געמאכט דורך ווייקן די געטרוקנטע בלעטער אדער בלומען פון דעם פלאנץ => tyy yz g`trnq vvs m`n trynqt yb`r d`r gr`r vv`lt. tyy vv`rt g`mkt dvrk vvyyqn dy g`trvqnt` bl`t`r d`r blvm`n pvn d`m plnts #Urdu. Directionality and ligature might come out wrong in your browser/editor:] چائے دنیا کی پسندیدہ مشروب ہے۔ یہ چاۓ کے پودے کی پتیوں کو چند منٹ گرم پانی میں ابالنے سے تیار ہوتی ہے۔ => chy'y dny khy psndydh mshrwb hy. yh chy' khy pwdy khy ptywN khw chnd mntt grm pny myN blny sy tyr hwty hy. ====================================================================== END OF README ====================================================================== {{{ Generated at Sat Nov 26 05:10:31 2016 (1480162231) }}}